Monday, May 17, 2021

My Literacy work

In literacy we have four groups Kowhai and Manuka and Nikau and Miro.

We do BQ  is  book quest and Iw is  inspired writing and T is Teacher and Ns is novel study and Wl is  word lab.

We do rotations every  literacy time. NS its my favourite Thing to do in literacy time.
For book quest we choose a letter from the alphabet. my favourite one to do is A for animal after you choose you letter you go to the library and find a book about animals. the letter I choose is a after you read the book you write on your sheet and write the date.

I love literacy

Thursday, May 6, 2021

What i did in the holidays

  What I learnt in the holidays

I learnt how to do my times table a bit better in the holidays from my Mum

Every night me and my mum will find a chapter book and I would read one chapter every night.

I would go on the farm with my dad and help him count the cows to see if one of them escaped.

And I made some storeys about the farm and I learnt how to spell Dictionary i think that is how you spell it.

I love school days but i love learning to because it helps like when you what a job or just even for normal things.

I love learning for lots of reason

                                                   today we learnt about caption this is my one!